Tanzania Safari Info and Travel Tips

We invite you to our page for Travel tips and Tanzania safari info. Here answers will be found for often inquiries asked by our esteemed customers in regards  to Tanzania safaris  and how can be booked.

When to visit Tanzania?

I don’t think there is really bad time to visit Tanzania however, it merely depend on which part of Tanzania you would like to visit & your interest.

Our peak season is starting from mid December to February for Christmas & New year  and this some how coincides with European winter. February can be good as it is the time of calving & nursing for Wildebeest Migration on the southern Serengeti at Ndutu area. Low season begins at middle March to May. Besides of May being still wet it can be the good time to watch the Wildebeest Migration when start moving to other areas of Serengeti & at this time there will be few tourist around. This is the time lodges & camps lowering their prices, so you can travel cheap.

June – August is our winter time with perfect weather (balanced weather) & it is the best time for Wildebeest Migration, they will be wondering around Serengeti plains before starting crossing Mara River on their way to Masai Mara in Kenya  around middle of July to Nov. All in all Serengeti is still the best place to visit with or without the Migration of herds.

Visa – Requirements

For your visit to Tanzania a valid passport is needed, with an expiring range of of six month from  the time you will be in Tanzania. Visa should be applied in advance as Tanzania high commission deserve the right of deny you a visa upon arrival.
Visas are required for all visitors in Tanzania and it cost  US$100 for American & Irish  citizens  while for the rest is $ 50. Visas  can be obtained in all entry points i.e. at any international airport or at the border – it is a straightforward procedure with  no photographs,  you don’t need any other document besides the valid passport. However, you can still get Tanzania visa at Tanzanian Embassy in you country before traveling to Tanzania this will avoid queuing at the airport on arrival in Tanzania.

A standard tourist visa mostly is valid for three months from the time of arrival but allows for multiple entries to Tanzania from neighboring country Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, but not from other countries.

Are the International flights included?

Basically, our Tanzania safaris are offered to individuals from all corners of the world and since we don’t have the foggiest idea about their starting point, we do exclude the universal air charge in our safari costs, so we are anticipating that you should book your international flights and furnish us with you entry point/ air terminal and in addition all important data of landing and takeoff.

Where would I be able to fly into and out of?

For Safari in the Northern Tanzania and Kilimanjaro climbing we encourage you to fly into Kilimanjaro international airport and in the event that you incorporate Zanzibar flying out of Zanzibar or Dar-es salaam is prescribed and on the off chance that you are doing the southern Tanzania safari fly into Dar es salaam international airport. In any case, local flights can be masterminded individuals who flying into and out of Nairobi in Kenya, Zanzibar and Dar es salaam.

Is drinking water in Tanzania safe?

In a few spots faucet water is not protected; our recommendation is to drink filtered water Kilimanjaro water, Just water, Aqua and Uhai in Zanzibar are some dependable brand in Tanzania.

Is it safe to take a safari in Tanzania?

Obviously yes! Tanzania is among the most political stable nations in Africa and conceivably the most secure nation of all. Tanzanians have a limited accommodation to all individuals in their customary and societies. In this manner Lodges and camps staffs are mindfully and agreeable. Your wellbeing is our number one and we continually utilizing safe Lodges and Tented camps.

What sort of vaccination is essential?

It is prudent to counsel your specialist before doing a yellow fever inoculation that basically require for set out to Tanzania yet it check more to individuals who are originating from the endemic nations or burned through 12 hours and all the more in an endemic nation like Ethiopia and Kenya. Taking ant malaria pills before voyaging can now and again keep you alright for no less than 3 months.

Is there loads of bugs/insect in Tanzania?

Supposedly, you will encounter less bugs in Africa than that can be experienced in North American visits so it is off base to say Tanzania has a considerable measure of bugs that can conceivably hurt you. Mosquitoes that chomp amid the night can course jungle/malaria fever however you will be resting in a decently treated mosquito net so no stresses of Malaria sickness.

Which are the top destinations to head out to for the best game viewing?

When you consider African safaris, Tanzania and Kenya in East Africa is the place it start, the considerable Serengeti National Park, Masai Mara, The Ngorongoro Crater, Selous Game Reserve, Tarangire simply name it… .

Which animals would we be able to experience on our safaris in Tanzania?

The Tanzanians Big Five which are lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino can be seen with a touch of fortunate. All creatures you have longed for like zebras, giraffes, hyenas, and numerous more. The world acclaimed wildebeest movement groups can be seen in either Serengeti or Masai Mara relying upon where and the time of your safari. Mara stream intersection is erratic and can’t be in all actuality, it is just seen by sheer fortunate.

What is the best Months or Time to visit Tanzania and go on safari?

Safari in Tanzania could be possible at whatever time of the year. Simply let us know the time that you’re hoping to travel and the best altered safari will be composed for you. Our guides who are out in field are continually reaching us and inform us on things like where is the wildebeest migration and other data of investment. Months of April and May are of downpour yet safaris are going on and you can experience lower rates in Lodges and Camps at this time of the year.

What is the Great Wildebeest Migration?

It is the most unusual and a most prominent untamed wildlife show on earth. This is the yearly cycle movement of million and a large number of wildebeest in addition to zebras and gazelles over the fields of Serengeti and Masai Mara. An explanation behind this move is for two essential things in their lives hunting down pasture and water which can’t anticipated. Don’t mistake waterway crossing for the movement phenomena as stream intersection is simply a piece of relocation.

What if one doesn’t see the Great Migration?

With or without Migration groups in both Serengeti and Masai Mara your safari is still of an incredible experience and remarkable one, since the considerable relocation is not by any means the only thing you can see on your safari. A huge number of occupant creatures that generally don’t relocate, stunning landscapes and other untamed life will stun you all through the safari.

Which garments would it be a good idea for me to wear or bring on safari?

Easygoing wear clothing is acknowledged; cocoa and kakhi hues are the most good one. Light cotton pieces of clothing are favored amid the dry months. Open shoes are the best while voyaging however, in the event that your bundle will incorporate strolling; climbing boots or tennis shoes are to be conveyed.

How is food while on Safari?

The vast majority of lodges and tented camps on safari are relied upon to serve continental cuisine and nearby scrumptious mixtures from Tanzania. Buffet is mostly served in numerous places thus, it is dependent upon you to pick your top choice. Our camping safaris are dependably incorporates an expert and experienced safari cook who constantly blended with you and get ready what you incline toward most.

How would you handle the exceptional dietary need on safari?

It would be ideal if you take note of any dietary need or allergies during the final booking procedures. We generally have something for everybody from veggie lovers, gluten free eating regimen and others. It is constantly great to know this ahead of time.

How is the general climate in Tanzania?

Climate in Tanzania differs from month to month; notwithstanding, warm and dry, sunny and dry is the general climate in numerous spots. April and May is the downpour season and basically cooler. June, July and Mid-August we are out of downpour yet it is dry and cool. Mid-August to September it is dry and warm. We have some little rain season in October and November. December up to March is our mid year, constantly warm.

Do the interactions with local Tanzanians included on our safari itinerary?

A large portion of our schedules incorporates social visits and strolling in different places where you can blend with local people and impart a few encounters. Anyhow this is not Must, our agenda are adaptable so you generally pick what you need and exclude what you don’t need.

Is there any possibility of coming up with my own itinerary?

Completely, yes! You can concoct your schedule and our safari specialists are dependably there to guidance you on what is conceivable. They have vast experience when it comes to safari in East Africa.

Is it possible to do safari in Tanzania with Kids?

It is all that much conceivable and beneficial, our safari specialists will just need to know the kids’ age and exhort the best accommodations and activities that can be of joy to all. Particularly family safaris are accessible intended to meet family inclination and desires. Malaria issue is out of questions as all Lodges and Camps have decently treated mosquito nets.

Are we staying in safari Tented Camps or Lodges?

Where to stay is merely depends on your preference. Your interest can move you to choose available accommodation options in the area; it can be a camping safari where you stay in a public campsite with canvas tents, safari lodges only/camps only or both. Upon arrival in Arusha a day before starting your safari you will most likely stay at the lodge or at a City hotel in Arusha.

What is the size of your group safari?

Our distributed schedules don’t offer group safaris; they just in light of private safaris for you and your fellow travel friends.

Do we book our safari well ahead of time?

Yes, it is encouraged to book your safari as right on time as could be allowed to abstain from missing the most ideal convenience as some Lodges/camps can be completely fully at the late stage. This likewise gives adaptability in assembling your safari schedule with no pace.

Is there addition cost after paying our safari?

Basically we include all three meals in your safari prices, Breakfast Lunch and dinner we as well offer drinking water during the game drives. Appreciation/ tips for your safari driver guide and Lodge staff is excluded. The costs does likewise exclude liquor or non-liquor beverages, telephone calls, visa charges, clothing laundry service, souvenirs that you may need to buy, travel insurance and all things of individual nature.

For more travel tips and Tanzania safari info. please drop us an email and we will be more than happy to help you. Thank you!